The 1689 Project

My family has come from some pretty deep baptist roots. In my later 30’s I began to look at the Regular Baptist doctrines over and against my own theology. I realized that my own theology was not far from my roots. Certainly, there were some differences in how the covenants are viewed and the application of certain laws for the Christian, but I realized that much of my personal theology aligned with Baptist theology.

I wanted to see how close I was to my Baptist roots, so I took the 1689 baptist confession and began to work through it. As I studied this historic document, I made notes and considered how I would approach the same concept within my own theology. It took some time but I finally produced a version of the 1689 Baptist confession that reflected my own theology. To my surprise, there were minimal changes.

When some friends heard of the project, they asked if they could have a copy. This was never meant to be public, but some have found this exercise to be helpful for their own understanding of pronomian belief within the wider Christian body. Therefore, I have made it available for anyone who would like to view it:

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