
The sermons below were presented by C.M. Hegg at Alive in Messiah in Tacoma WA. They cover the beginning chapters of Luke, the book of Philemon, the book of Colossians, and the last 10 chapters of Acts respectively. 

Sermons by C.M. Hegg
Jesus is Presented at the Temple
To Us a Child is Born - Luke 2:1-21
Is God Still a Miraculous God?
The Announcement of Messiah
The Virgin Birth - Luke 1:26-38
You Can Trust Your Bible
The Sovereignty of God in Our Lives
The Expectation of the Messiah
Introduction to Philemon
Paul's Farewell
Speak with Grace
Clothed in Righteousness
Kingdom Conduct
The Mystery That is Now Revealed
Trouble in Colossae
Gospel to the Nations
Believing In God’s Promise
Can You Give The Gospel?
Trusting in God's Plan
Trust in the Lord
Zeal for What Matters
The Temple and the Gospel
The Power of the Word
Smashing Our Idols
Unity Among Disagreement
Proclaiming our Faith Without Fear

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